Saturday, April 3, 2021

Task 1, Question 1 (Five Fluencies of Digital Citizens)




The learning structure from different institution of higher education have changed in order to accommodate the digital environment. The new digital environment have influenced the leaners and educators because of the current technological devices and internet access. Nowadays Students need to learn more  and understand the digital fluencies which will be discussed. There are five Digital Influences which are very important for the students to know as they will assist them to solve any problem that can be encountered. 

Solution Fluency

Heine and O'connor (2014) describe the solution fluency as the ability of students to solve problems encountered. Under solution fluency there are six stages that students need to consider when conducting problem solving.

1. Define: Students must be able to define the problem and decide how on what need to be solved.

2. Discover: On this stage, students must be able to conduct research and gather information about the problem.

3. Dream: Students need to imagine about the solution of the problem.

4. Design: is a stage of deciding and planning of how to create a solution.

5. Deliver: is the execution part of the plan.

6. Debrief: Is the evaluation of the all the steps taken and ways of improving in the future.

Example: when a student go to library to search for an information from the library book and use that information to solve the problem.

Collaboration fluency

Is the ability of students to work as a team on an online environment in order to solve the problem. The fluency have six stages which are mentioned bellow.

1. Establish: is a setting up process whereby students need to determine who will be in the group.

2. Envision: Student must know the purpose of the team work and problem must be defined.

3. Engineer: A working plan must be developed.

4. Execute; The plan must be executed or put into action.

5. Examine: The step taken must be reviewed .

Example: when students participating on an online learning collaboration class.

Media Fluency

Edwards (2011) summarized that media fluency is the ability to communicate effectively with people by being able to interpret the message. It involved the communication aspects and also involves the interpretation and listening process whereby students must be able to hear and interpret the message and analyze the information. A message can be the form of noise and signals. Students must be able to verbalize and verify the the message. During communication process, a message between a sender and receiver is transmitted through a medium.

Example: When a student send a text message to a lecture using a phone and the lecture acknowledge by replying. 

Creativity Fluency

This fluency is all about the ability to generate ideas when solving a problem. The students must be able to identify, inspire, interpolate, imagine, and inspect.

1. Identify: Students must be able to identify the problem.

2. Inspire: The ability to produce. students need to gather information about the problem.

3. Interpolate: Students must add or introduce something different.

4. Imagine: They need to get rid of irrelevant information.

5. Inspect: All creative ideas must be evaluated.

Example: when a student brainstorm all the ideas in order to solve the problem.

Information Fluency

Sharkey (2013) state that information fluency is the ability of understanding and using of different digital sources to learn, getting information, write and read through the internet. It involves the ability to search, find, evaluate, analyze and use the information effectively. Students must be able to consider the following step on the picture below when solving a problem.


The five fluencies skills are very important for the students to know. They will help the students to understand and be able to know how to solve a problem. Students can use different digital sources to learn and collect information through the internet.

List of reference

Edward, R. 2011. Listening and message interpretation. The intl. Journal of listening 25(1-)47-65,2011.

Sharkey, J. 2013. Establishing twenty first century information fluency. volume 53 issue 1/fall 2013

Heine, C and O'connor D. 2014. Teaching information fluency, how to teach students to be efficient, ethical and critical information consumers.

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